Hey Gang.
Wulp, the no show winter has went to a surprising (June in March) spring. How this will effect the post spawn walleye bite on the Rivers when the walleye season re-opens and on the Bay itself this coming summer has yet to be determined. Even if our air temps get back to normal I feel these warmer then usual air temps may effect the how, the where and the how long the bite will stay on track during the rest of the summer season. Having never seen anything like this in my life time and no idea what will happen, I’ll be off my regular strategic game plan and fumbling for some answers myself. With gas at $4.00 per gallon and possibly going higher, I’m not looking forward to any long search missions for biting fish.
One of my regular scheduled spring fishing trips this year has been very productive for me so far. That is my yearly foray to the Rifle River for suckers. Me and my girlfriend hit the river last Sunday 3-18-12 and caught one fish after the other for 3 1/2 hours. Some of these sucker were the largest I’ve caught in a few years. I started smoking and then caning them 3 years ago and they provide some very good tasting table fair. Plus provide a great fight are a great way to break small kids in on river fishing techniques and courtesys. If you have not tried this style and type of fishing, you only have about another 2 weeks before the run is done.
There has been some good walleye taken recently trolling Cranks on the Bay. These roaming pods of walleyes are gearing up to run the rivers. There was of course already a number of early spawners in the river systems and again with the above normal temps, those fish are probably spawning or very near the end of their spawning cycle. Now this normal spring (second squad) of fish still out in the bay might not even run the rivers if these temps make it to warm. Most fish have the ability to absorb their eggs and skip a spawn cycle if the conditions are un-favorable to their success. This just might happen this year, we’ll see. I’m sure there will be enough people trying (including me) to keep locals and out of towners informed on the action. Until something breaks stay safe, fish smart and tight lines.