Lake Trout being taken in 90 to 140 foot of water areas straight out and North of the harbor using clean spoons off the downriggers and dodgers and squids off the bottom. Green, Yellow with black dots, and orange colors have still been working. Quicker speeds are working best.
Some steelhead are starting to be taken out near the color lines fishing the top 50 foot of water with bright orange, green and yellow colors. Try using some 2, 3, 5, and 10 color lead lines off those Offshore boards.
A few nice Coho were taken mixed in with the steelhead on the same lures.
Be award that there have been some reports of a free floating net straight out of the harbor in 100 foot of water setting close to the bottom with a couple of lines on the ends that come up on both ends to 70 foot that some fishermen have been getting their cannon balls caught up in, for your safety keep a pair of wire cutters close to the back of your boat near the cables in case you happen to get caught in one. Write down the GPS numbers if you get tangled in it and give them to the marina so we can have someone mark the net till we can have it removed.
Keep those lines tight,
Captains Ken and Janice Deaton
J-Lyn Charters
Harbor Beach MI