Saginaw Bay walleye were caught in 20 to 25 feet at the Spark Plug. Blue and chrome were the hot colors. Those using shrimp or worms in the Hot Ponds caught channel cats. Those fishing off the cement plant at Essexville caught bass on spinners or tube jigs. Walleye were caught off Finn Road with a crawler harness in 12 feet and off Sebewaing in 12 to 15 feet. Those fishing outside the islands off Bay Port did better along the Slot however windy conditions have kept the fishing pressure down. The odd fish was caught off Sand Point and Oak Point.
Saginaw River smallmouth bass and catfish were caught mostly on worms but a small number were taken on minnows.
Au Gres Area had good #walleyefishing action in 15 to 35 feet with limit catches taken straight out mostly with a crawler harness. A few were also taken on artificial baits. The incidental large perch, catfish or freshwater drum were also caught. A few limit catches were taken straight out from the Pine River in 20 to 30 feet. Smallmouth bass were caught when casting near shore.
Au Gres River had a big mayfly hatch. Anglers managed to catch a few largemouth bass, channel cats or freshwater drum.
Outer Saginaw Bay
Oscoda lake trout were caught by those trolling spoons in the bottom 10 feet of waters 85 to 95 feet deep. Pier anglers caught a couple walleye, channel cats, freshwater drum, carp, and smallmouth bass when drifting or floating crawlers and minnows.
Au Sable River: A few smaller walleye were caught when drifting crawlers through the holes in Oscoda and up near Foote Dam. Smallmouth bass and freshwater drum were commonly found when drifting crawlers or casting jigs and body baits. Channel cats were caught when still-fishing with crawlers. Hex hatches continue on certain sections and tributaries of the upper river. Trophy water temperatures in Mio were reaching the mid 70’s, leaving the trout stressed but the smallmouth bite was good.
Tawas Area #walleyefishing action was slow but anglers were still trolling and jigging around Buoys 4 and 6. Those trolling out deeper in 35 to 50 feet around Buoys 1 and 2 and northeast of the Charity Islands were marking but not necessarily catching fish.
Tawas River had lots of bait-fish but anglers were still catching some pike, bass, channel cats and freshwater drum.
Fishing Tip: How to clean & care for your catch
Fishing with family and friends is a great way to spend time together, but taking your catch home and making a meal out of it – that makes it special! Check out our fish cleaning video to learn the simple steps to properly clean and care for your catch.
Or check out our cleaning and caring for your catch handout!