Saginaw Bay: Had good perch fishing from several location along the shipping channel including Buoys 17 & 18, 11 & 12 (the Spark Plug), 8 & 9, 1 & 2. The fish are averaging eight to 10 inches at all locations. Shiners remain scarce at local bait shops however if you can get them you will catch perch. Boats from the east side of the bay are crossing “the Bar” to fish in the shipping channel. Some out of Quanicassee were trying in the “Slot” however they were not getting as many as those fishing along the shipping channel. At Caseville, pier fishing for smallmouth bass has been good when the water is choppy, but poor on calm days.
Saginaw River: Anglers are starting to fish for walleye, but success was spotty.
Harbor Beach: Those trolling have caught steelhead 25 feet down in 100 feet of water. The fish are running five to eight pounds. As the lake starts to turn-over, the fish will scatter and you will spend more time trying to locate them. Those trolling the channel off the Detroit Edison Plant caught brown trout. Pier anglers fishing the north wall caught a few walleye towards evening.
Port Sanilac: Boat anglers caught steelhead in 35 to 65 feet of water. Pier anglers have caught the occasional Chinook, brown trout or walleye.
Lexington: Pier anglers caught the occasional Chinook brown trout or walleye. Many were getting frustrated because they can see brown trout cruising inside the harbor but they are not biting which is not unusual for this time of year. The better fishing is early morning or at night.