The effects of hurricane Sandy shut fishing down around Saginaw Bay Area. Action this week was found in the rivers or smaller inland lakes. Waters around Saginaw Bay Area are turbid and murky so it will take a few days to clear up. Catch rates should resume once the waters settle. Anglers are reminded that catch rates increase during the month of November because perch, pike, whitefish, walleye, bass and steelhead go on a feeding frenzy before winter comes.
Saginaw River: Had perch anglers in the lower river.
Kawkawlin River: Had anglers fishing but no reports came in.
Harbor Beach: When the wind and wave action permitted, walleye were caught off the north wall by those casting at night.
Lexington: Those casting spoons, rapalas or spawn caught the occasional brown trout, steelhead or Chinook salmon. A few perch were caught on minnows.