Saginaw Bay a good number of walleye were still being caught beyond Buoys 1 & 2 in 25 feet or more, off the Pinconning Bar and off Linwood in 20 feet. There was also an early morning bite off the mouth of the Kawkawlin River and the Callahan Reef in six to nine feet along the weed beds. Most are trolling unweighted or very light crawler harnesses off planer boards so they ride just over the top of the weeds. This is a pre-dawn until about 10 a.m. bite and then the fish go deeper. Those trolling up the east side are taking a few walleye from the Slot, off the Bar and along the shipping channel when trolling harnesses. The fish are scattered so if you find some, circle back through them. Success off Caseville was limited so try northeast of Big Charity Island. Walleye fishing was slow off Port Austin but the lake trout action has picked up.
- Saginaw River walleye catches were spotty with the better action near the bridge supports. Smith Park in Essexville is open after renovations. Shore anglers there were catching the occasional bass, catfish and freshwater drum.
- Sanford Lake a recent bass tournament had mixed results with some taking limits while others were skunked. Crappie fishing slowed but some were caught on pinkie jigs, minnows or worms. Warmer water made it more difficult to find active fish.
Au Gres Area remained very busy with lots of walleye action between Point Lookout and Pointe Au Gres in 35 to 45 feet and northeast of the Charity Islands. Harnesses and some body baits were the main lures.
- Au Gres River fishing was slow with only the occasional catfish taken.
Outer Saginaw Bay
Grindstone City the #walleyefishing action was spotty but some boats did well about 4 miles south when fishing in 35 to 48 feet off the New River. Anglers are fishing around the reefs with lead core and crawlers, crank baits or spoons.
Oscoda pier anglers have caught channel cats but they were not biting until very late at night. Walleye have slowed. Lake trout are out deep and staying close to the bottom. Try 80 to 150 feet with dark colored spoons, spin-glo’s and cut bait.
- Au Sable River a few walleye were caught just below Foote Dam. Early morning and late at night were the best times.
Tawas Area dad a lot of boats out trolling for walleye. They did best in 50 to 60 feet outside Tawas Point when using crawler harnesses. A few limit catches were reported. Some boats were going south toward the “crib” off Alabaster and fishing in 40 to 50 feet. Pier and river fishing were “summer slow” and producing the occasional bass, catfish or freshwater drum.
Weekly Fishing Tip: A technique for targeting muskellunge in hot weather

In the thick of summer it can be hard to encourage muskellunge into taking your lure or bait. Already a wary predator, this “fish of 10,000 casts” is very particular and often retreats to deeper water during this time of year. But there is a technique you can implement that will, on occasion, produce outstanding catch results.
The idea is to use a large rod, at least eight feet in length, with quite a bit of line and to cast as far as you possibly can. Use the length of the cast to engage in an aggressive retrieve that gives your lure/bait bursts of energy and then slowing the speed every 10 feet or so.
Be patient as you use this technique for an extended period of time, and be encouraged if you obtain several “follows” as a result (those who avidly seek out muskellunge will know what that means!).
Want even more advice for targeting this unique sportfish? Check out their page online.