Dear Concerned Conservationist,
New legislation dropped yesterday in the Michigan House would put Michigan’s $2.3 B recreational angling industry and Michigan’s rich fishing heritage at risk.
HB 5108, sponsored by Rep. Jason Morgan (D-Ann Arbor), would allow for the state-licensed commercial take of game fish, including lake trout, smallmouth, panfish, walleye, perch and other game fish.
These fish are planted, reared and managed using recreational angler monies through fishing license sales and the Dingell-Johnson Sportfishing Act, which levies an excise tax on fishing equipment and is apportioned back to states for fisheries work.
This legislation would have an immeasurable impact on our recreational fishery and outdoor heritage, as well as the 171,000+ jobs it supports.
Similar legislation was attempted once before, and conservationists like yourself helped stop the legislation before it got any real traction and instead moved a commercial fishing package that protected game species.
Our fishing heritage needs you again.
MUCC’s call to action page, where you can send a letter to your state representative and the bill’s sponsors, telling them not to allow the commercial take of Michigan’s prized game fish.
Send your representative a message, and take a stand for our fishing heritage.